
Last Updated: Feb 08, 2024

Here are the notes on all the issues we have encountered during the semester, along with their possible solutions.


Services are failed

  • Use journalctl to see error logs of the service can usually give a better idea of what’s going wrong.
      $ sudo journalctl -u your_failed_service.service
    • If the mbot-publish-info.service is failed, you can go to /var/log/mbot/mbot_pub_info.log to see the detailed log.

System utils doesn’t work

  • If you are using the jetson-rob550_oct19.img.xz image and have modified the mbot_config.txt file, but the robot does not show up in the IP registry or the OLED screen is not shown up, you can manuelly set things up.

    1. Firstly you need an external monitor. Then connect the Jetson to wifi if you are using MWireless:
       $ cd ~/Downloads
       $ ./     # this is wifi setup script
      • If you have message saying “…Configured Network is however not in range”, it is likely that you have entered the wrong password, end the process and re-run the command.
    2. Get your Jetson’s IP address: ifconfig wlan0
    3. Run the following commands to install system utilities
        $ cd mbot_sys_utils/
        $ sudo ./install_scripts/
        # you should see "Jetson Nano detected Done Installing!" at the end
        $ ./install_scripts/
        # you should see "Done! LCM is now installed." at the end
    4. Setup the MBot configuration
        # copy the config file to boot directory
        $ sudo cp mbot_config.txt /boot/firmware/
        # edit the config
        $ sudo nano /boot/firmware/mbot_config.txt
      • mbot_hostname: give the robot a unique hostname in this file, it should match the name written on the mbot.
      • new_wifi_ssid and new_wifi_password: you can also set up your home wifi here, enter your home Wi-Fi name and password accordingly.
    5. Install udev rules and services
        # install udev rules
        $ cd ~/mbot_ws/mbot_sys_utils/udev_rules
        $ ./
        # Install the services needed to start the networking and report the robot’s IP
        $ cd ~/mbot_ws/mbot_sys_utils/services
        $ ./
    6. Restart the robot to test
        $ sudo reboot

    If your hostname still does not appear, or OLED doesn’t work, you can execute the following steps for troubleshooting:

      $ cd ~/mbot_ws/mbot_sys_utils
      $ ./ 

We can use minicom to monitor the firmware upload process, when upload the mbot firmware gives error code, check the mbot_firmware/mbot/src/utils/utils.c, sanity checks are defined there.

For example, here the error code is -2:

initializinging motors...                          
initializinging encoders...                        
Starting heartbeat LED...                          
Initializing IMU...
Initializing the Bosch IMU...
CTL Mode=1
ROM Version=2dad
RAM Version=0
Product ID=83
Revision ID=3
Host CRC: 84604394                                                   
Setting Matrix Config...                                             
Installing Sensors...                                                
IDs: A41, F00                                                        
ERROR: manuf_id does not match FUJITSU_MANUF_ID                      
ERROR: prod_id does not match PROD_ID_MB85RC04V                      
Initializing LCM serial communication...                             
starting comms on core 1...                                          
Failed to validate FRAM Data! Error code: -2