Checkpoint 0

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2024


  1. Only operate your MBot on the floor. When your MBot is on a table, put it in a box to make sure it doesn’t accidentally drive away and zip off the table!
  2. DO NOT run ‘sudo apt-get update’ on the MBot.
  3. Each STUDENT will build their own MBot that they are solely responsible for returning in full functioning condition at the end of the semester.
    • If you believe your MBot is broken, talk with the GSIs for help repairing or replacing parts.
    • Don’t make changes without approval from the course staff. Undo any (approved) changes before you return them.

Failure to adhere to these warnings may result in a penalty to your grade.

We have a limited number of working robots; thus, proper care is highly critical!


Assembly and Setup

Task 0.1 Assembly

Following the instruction in the assembly guide and assemble your robot.

Task 0.2 Software Setup

Following the instructions in the mbot system setup guide and setup the software on your robot.

Task 0.3 Design Lab

The main development goal of Botlab is to finish the final competition. One part of this competition involves identifying, lifting, moving, and stacking a crate/pallet similar to a forklift in a factory.

The specifics of this component of Botlab can be found in the Designlab section of this documentation. Although there are no specific Checkpoints associated with Designlab, you will need to incorporate this design and functionality into your work throughout the project, so be sure to keep this on your mind! Success of this will be evaluated through the competition as well as the report requirements seen in the documentation.

Checkpoint Submission

No submission is required for this checkpoint.

After completing Checkpoint 0, you should have a functional mbot ready for development and a basic understanding of the ultimate development goal – the final competition.