Linux Command Line Tools

Last Updated: Nov 30, 2023

This post introduces you to the most basic command line tools you need to know for the class.

How to open a terminal: ctrl+alt+t
How to copy/paste in a terminal: ctrl+shift+c/ctrl+shift+v

Copy the commands below and paste into the terminal, then hit ENTER to see similar result:

  • How to check where we are at in current terminal:
      $ pwd

    For example:

      xssun@ROB-STAFF-10U:~$ pwd
    • Here /home/xssun is current directory we are at
  • How to create a new folder and confirm the creation:
      # create a new folder
      $ mkdir new_folder
      # list directory contents
      $ ls

    For example:

      xssun@ROB-STAFF-10U:~$ mkdir parent_folder
      xssun@ROB-STAFF-10U:~$ ls
      Desktop    Downloads  parent_folder  Public  Documents  
      Music      Pictures   Videos 
  • How to navigate to certain folder:
      $ cd destination_folder

    For example:

      xssun@ROB-STAFF-10U:~$ cd parent_folder/
      xssun@ROB-STAFF-10U:~/parent_folder$ pwd
  • More about nagivation:
      # move to home directory
      $ cd ~
      # move to parent directory
      $ cd ..
    • In filesystems, we use the double dot (..) to access the parent directory, whereas the single dot (.) represents the current directory.
  • How to remove a file/folder:
      $ rm the_file
      $ rm -r the_folder
    • The -r option stands for recursive. When used with rm, it recursively deletes all the files and subdirectories within the specified directory, starting from the deepest level and moving up.

    For example:

      xssun@ROB-STAFF-10U:~$ rm -r parent_folder/
      xssun@ROB-STAFF-10U:~$ ls  
      Desktop    Downloads  Public  Documents  Music      
      Pictures   Videos