How to start ROS nodes

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2023

Here are the commands you’ll need to start the ROS nodes individually.

To launch individual node

  • Start Realsense2 camera node
      $ ros2 launch realsense2_camera
  • Start AprilTag Dectection node
      $ ros2 run apriltag_ros apriltag_node --ros-args \
          -r image_rect:=/camera/color/image_raw \
          -r camera_info:=/camera/color/camera_info \
          --params-file `ros2 pkg prefix apriltag_ros`/share/apriltag_ros/cfg/tags_Standard41h12.yaml
  • Start the arm node
      $ ros2 launch interbotix_xsarm_control robot_model:=rx200
    • This command will launch rviz with the virtual robot model, the model would show exactly how the arm moving.
    • More can be learned from the official ROS 2 Quickstart Guide
  • Start the camera calibration node
      $ cd ~/image_pipeline
      $ source install/setup.bash
      # the size of the checkerboard and the dimensions of its squares may vary
      $ ros2 run camera_calibration cameracalibrator --size 6x8 --square 0.025 \
          --no-service-check --ros-args \
          -r image:=/camera/color/image_raw  \
          -p camera:=/camera

Before starting any node that requires the camera, make sure to start the Realsense2 node first.