Dev Setup for Pi5 Classic

Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024

This is for Pi5 Mbot Classic Developers to set up from scratch. For any mbot repository, the dev branch will always have the latest code for development (when it exists).

1. Prepare Your Raspberry Pi

You will need:

  • SD card reader
  • Laptop

Download Raspberry Pi Imager from Raspberry Pi Official Website.

Then open the Imager, select the options as following:

  • Device: Raspberry Pi 5
  • OS: Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) - Bookworm
  • Storage: Your SD card

Click NEXT; no need to edit settings.

Wait until the process is done, then take out the SD card.

2. Customize Your Raspberry Pi

You will need:

  • External Monitor
  • Micro HDMI cable
  • Mouse and Keyboard

Basic Setup

  1. Insert the SD card into the Pi, connect the Pi to an external monitor, and turn on the power.
  2. Once the UI appears, follow the setup steps.
    • username: mbot
    • password: i<3robots!
    • select Firefox as the default browser
    • skip the Wi-Fi setup and software update parts.
  3. Once you get to the desktop, connect to the “MSetup” network. Open Firefox and go to the “log in to network” page to reach the UM WiFi configuration page. Click “Laptop, Phone, or Tablet”, select “Linux”, and click “Join Now”. The file “” will download automatically.
  4. Open a terminal, navigate to the file “”, run chmod +x to give it permission, then run ./ Enter your credentials to connect to the Wi-Fi.

Congrats, you have discovered the Internet!

Remote Access Setup

  1. Run:
     sudo apt update
     sudo apt upgrade
  2. Download Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi OS by running:
     sudo apt install code
  3. Open Firefox, log in to GitHub, then open a terminal run:
     cd ~
     mkdir workspace
     cd workspace
     # git clone mbot_sys_utils here
     cd mbot_sys_utils
     # dev branch has the latest version of the code
     git checkout dev
     cd install_scripts
  4. Run sudo raspi-config:
    • Interface Options -> SSH -> Enable
    • Advanced Options -> Wayland -> X11 (important for NoMachine) -> Reboot

Congrats, you have discovered remote access and remote desktop! An external monitor is no longer required. Check your IP address using ip address:

  • SSH into the Pi: ssh mbot@pi_ip
  • Connect to the desktop using NoMachine

System Setup

  1. Open mbot_sys_utils, find rpi5_config.txt, and adjust settings as needed.
  2. Copy rpi5_config.txt to /boot/firmware:
     sudo cp rpi5_config.txt /boot/firmware
  3. Modify config.txt to include your customized rpi5_config.txt:
     sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

    Then add the following line under the [all] section:

     include rpi5_config.txt
  4. Copy mbot_config.txt to /boot/firmware:
    sudo cp mbot_config.txt /boot/firmware
  5. Edit the configuration:
    sudo nano /boot/firmware/mbot_config.txt

3. Set Up Your Development Environment

Install Packages and Services


  1. Install dependencies:
    cd ~/workspace/mbot_sys_utils
    git checkout dev
    sudo ./install_scripts/
  2. Install udev rules:
    cd udev_rules
  3. Install services:
    cd services

mbot_firmware and mbot_lcm_base

  1. Clone mbot_firmware and mbot_lcm_base repositories.
  2. Install LCM related components:
    cd ~/workspace/mbot_lcm_base
    git checkout dev
    • Now you have mbot system cli tools available.
  3. Run the firmware setup script:
    cd ~/workspace/mbot_firmware
    git checkout dev
  4. Build the firmware:
    cd ~/workspace/mbot_firmware
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
  5. Calibrate your mbot (place the mbot on the floor first):
    cd ~/workspace/mbot_firmware
    sudo ./ flash build/tests/mbot_calibrate_classic.uf2
  6. Flash the firmware to the control board:
    sudo ./ flash build/src/mbot_classic.uf2
  7. Test the setup
    python3 python/
    • Warning: The mbot will move forward quickly with this script. Modify as needed.

rplidar_lcm_driver and mbot_web_app

  1. Clone rplidar_lcm_driver:
    cd ~/workspace/rplidar_lcm_driver/
  2. Clone mbot_web_app:
    • If no dev branch there, use the latest version.
    • Follow the setup instructions in the


  1. Clone mbot_autonomy
  2. Install:
    cd ~/workspace/mbot_autonomy
    git checkout dev
    • Follow the if instructions differ.