
Last Updated: Oct 23, 2023

The guide introduces how the “MBot Software Library” under botlab was generated. The content in this doc is only true for Ubuntu users.

Install Doxygen

# Check the package info
$ apt show doxygen
$ sudo apt-get install doxygen

Clone the doxygen repo

Clone the doxygen repo to your local mbot workspace. The Doxyfile is designed to use in this file structure:

├── doxygen_docs
│   ├── docs                    # docs source file
│   ├── Doxyfile                # config file
│   ├── include
│   │   └── doxygen_grouping.h  # where module grouping defined
│   ├──            # main page of the doxygen site
│   └── mbot-logo.png
└── mbot_firmware

Generate the doc

$ cd doxygen_docs/
# generate the docs
$ doxygen Doxyfile

After you generate the new documents, all the updates you have made in either the Doxyfile or projects will be output to the /docs folder.


You can use the Live Server VS Code extension to view the generated index.html file.

Host on Github

After making the updates, a git push will automatically trigger the GitHub Action, which will deploy the new documentation website for you.