Checkpoint 4

Last Updated: Feb 26, 2024



Now, you need to put all the pieces together.

You will need to write a simple planner to control the motion of the arm and implement states in the state machine to control the arm for picking and placing blocks. Given a set of target locations from the block detector, your arm will need to move into a position from which it may grab the target block, then move to the drop-off location.

Keep in mind that the actual end effector position may be different from the target locations given by the block detector.

This will be similar to the teach-and-repeat planner, except you will need to automatically generate the waypoints based on the output of the block detector, kinematics, and your strategy for the final competition.

Task 4.1 Final Tuning

Implement logic for the final competitions into your state machine.

1) Evaluate the performance of your system during the competition. Include performance and discussion on the detection and manipulation of the arch and semi-circle blocks.
2) Discuss what improvements could be made to improve performance

Checkpoint Submission

Nothing to submit! Get ready for competition and enjoy : D