Checkpoint 1.5

Last Updated: Mar 04, 2024

The MBot has a camera that can be used to perform vision tasks like identifying Apriltags and other obstacles in the environment.


Computer Vision

Task 1.5 Camera Calibration

Find the intrinsic and extrinsic matrix (robot frame to camera frame) for your MBot.


  • For the intrinsic matrix, use the camera calibration tools available in the mbot_apriltag repository. For detailed instructions on using mbot_apriltag, please refer to mbot_apriltag guide.
  • To determine the extrinsic matrix (robot frame to camera frame), utilize the CAD model to determine the offsets.

Task 1.6 Apriltag Detection

Write a python program to estimate the distance and heading to an Apriltag and maneuver up to the tag.


Compare the camera detection of the apriltag with your odometry by driving backwards and while keeping the Apriltag in sight.

Checkpoint Submission

No submission is required for this checkpoint.