mbot_vision Guide

Last Updated: Nov 13, 2024

This guide explains how to use the mbot_vision example code.



Run the following commands to pull the latest mbot_lcm_base updates:

$ cd ~/mbot_ws/mbot_lcm_base
$ git pull
$ ./scripts/install.sh

If you have pushed the GitHub mbot_lcm_base repository to your group’s GitLab repository, you can still pull from the GitHub upstream:

  1. Run git remote -v to check the old GitHub remote’s name, for example, “old-origin”.
  2. Run git fetch old-origin to get the latest updates from GitHub.
  3. Run git merge old-origin/main to merge the updates from the main branch of “old-origin” to your current branch. For instance, if you are on a branch named “test”, the updates will merge into your “test” branch.
  4. Run git push to push the changes to your GitLab repository.

Video Demo


Installing the Apriltag Library

First, clone the Apriltag library from the official GitHub repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/AprilRobotics/apriltag.git

Then, follow the installation instructions to install the apriltag, run the following commands:

$ cd apriltag
$ sudo cmake --build build --target install
$ echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages' >> ~/.bashrc

Installing YOLO

pip install ultralytics --break-system-packages
pip install --no-cache-dir "ncnn" --break-system-packages
echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/mbot/.local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Cloning mbot_vision repository

$ cd ~/mbot_ws
$ git clone https://gitlab.eecs.umich.edu/ROB550-F24/mbot_vision

Testing the Setup

To test your camera, open a vscode new terminal, then execute the command below and then visit http://your_mbot_ip:5001 in your web browser:

$ cd ~/mbot_ws/mbot_vision
$ python3 video_streamer.py
  • This script is for testing the video stream to ensure your camera is operational.

Close this script when you’re done with it to free up the camera. You can only ever have one camera script running at a time. This applies to the following scripts as well.

Camera Calibration

To find the intrinsic matrix of the mbot camera, we need to perform the camera calibration.

  1. Find a Checkerboard in the lab

    The size of the checkerboard is determined by the number of intersections, not squares. For instance, a notation of [8, 6] means the board has 8 intersections along one dimension and 6 along the other, corresponding to a grid of 9 by 7 squares. You need this information to use the code.

  2. Collect Images

    Execute the following command and navigate to http://your_mbot_ip:5001 to gather calibration images:

     $ python3 save_image.py
    • This will save the images in the /images directory for camera calibration.
    • Aim to capture images from various angles and distances for optimal results.
  3. Start Calibration

    Adjust the code in camera_calibration.py to match your checkerboard’s specifications:

     # TODO:
     # 1. Adjust the CHECKERBOARD dimensions according to your checkerboard
     # 2. Set the correct square_size value
     CHECKERBOARD = (6,8)
     square_size = 25    # in millimeters

    Then run the following command:

     $ python3 camera_calibration.py
    • This program uses the images in /images to generate the calibration data cam_calibration_data.npz.
  4. Verify Calibration Results

    • A “Mean reprojection error” below 0.5 indicates successful calibration, and the camera matrix is reliable.
    • If the “Mean reprojection error” is significantly above 0.5, verify the accuracy of your CHECKERBOARD dimensions and square_size settings.

Object Detection Demo

Run the following command and visit http://your_mbot_ip:5001

$ python3 tag_cone_detection.py
  • It runs apriltag and cone detection. When a tag or a cone is detected, the pose estimation results will be displayed on the screen.
  • The weights we provide is under utils/cone_detection_model.pt, you can train your own model for better result.
  • You can change the fps and image resolution in utils/config.py to save computational resources.

However, once you change the camera_config’s image_width and image_height, you have to re-calibrate the camera by saving new set of images with the new resolution, because the camera’s intrinsic parameters are resolution-dependent.


If you encounter the following runtime error: “ImportError: libapriltag.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory,” follow these steps:

  1. Verify the Installation Location

    The library is typically installed in /usr/local/lib or /usr/lib. Check these locations:

     $ ls /usr/local/lib | grep libapriltag
     $ ls /usr/lib | grep libapriltag
    • If you see “libapriltag.so.3” in the output, proceed to the next step.

    If the above steps don’t work, try adding the “libapriltag.so.3” to PATH like this:

     $ sudo find /usr -name libapriltag.so*
     $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:libapriltag.so.3
  2. Update the Library Cache

    If the library is in a standard location but still not found, you may need to update your system’s library cache. Run the following command to refresh it:

     $ sudo ldconfig
    • After updating, try running python3 tag_cone_detection.py again to check if the issue is resolved.

The values displayed on the screen are in millimeters. You can use a physical tape measure to verify the accuracy of the detection.

Detection LCM Message

By running the following commands, you can publish and subsequently listen to the detection messages:

# Publish detection messages
$ python3 tag_cone_lcm_publisher.py
# Listen to detection messages
$ python3 tag_cone_lcm_subscriber.py

Train Your Own Model

To train your own model, you can use the provided notebook, utils/cone_detection_train.ipynb, along with our dataset. You can fork the dataset from Roboflow, adding more images or adjusting preprocessing steps to build a more robust model. Alternatively, experiment with different object detection models other than the YOLOv11s we use here.

  • The data can be found here.

Code Explanation

Coordinate frame

  • World Frame: the center of the AprilTag is used as the origin of the world frame. The x, y, and z axes are aligned with the tag’s edges (horizontal, vertical, and outward, respectively).
  • Camera Frame: x pointing to the right, y pointing downward, and z pointing forward (along the optical axis of the camera).

The cv::solvePnP() returns the rotation and the translation vectors that transform a 3D point expressed in the object coordinate frame to the camera coordinate frame. Namely, the translation and rotation vectors describe the AprilTag’s position and orientation in the camera’s coordinate frame.