Design Lab

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2024

The main development goal of Botlab is to finish the final competition. One part of this competition involves identifying, lifting, moving, and stacking a crate/pallet similar to a forklift in a factory.

Although there are no specific Checkpoints associated with Designlab, you will need to incorporate this design and functionality into your work throughout the project, so be sure to keep this on your mind! Success of this will be evaluated through the competition as well as the report requirements seen below:

Within the report:
1) Briefly describe the mechanism design and function of the gripper/lifter, and include a Figure to help showcase how it works. Note: this should not be a substantial part of the report, as we are more interested in the other technical topics you are learning.
2) Explain your methods/algorithms for identifying and approaching a target crate.
3) Describe the software/communications used to engage with, lift, and stack a target crate (e.g., how your motors are commanded, the logic used, etc.).

Submitted with the report (submitted files, not an appendix):
1) Detailed drawings
2) Bill of Materials (BOM)
3) Step-by-step construction instructions

You will likely need to utilize your Makerspace training to complete your lifting mechanisms. Please be sure to utilize these free resources for materials and fabrication! Be sure to download and play with the MBot CAD file to ensure your design’s proper fit and function.

Additionally, there are a variety of servos and motors available for use within the lab. Please see documentation for utilizing these in the How-to Guide.

However, even with these resources, you may find that your design requires you to purchase extra hardware. We will be taking Amazon and McMaster-Carr orders twice throughout the semester, please see the Course Schedule for these deadlines. Each team (not person) will be given a budget of $50 to spend toward this goal.

In the competition, you don’t need a unique mechanism for each team member’s robot. You can use the team’s best design for all robots or try different strategic approaches for each one. Remember, designing such a mechanism is an iterative process, so start the project early and continue refining your design!