LCM for Beginners

Last Updated: Mar 17, 2024

This guide introduces LCM system to developers working on a differential drive MBot, specifically targeting absolute beginners.

Assume that you have finished all the steps under botlab setup guide. In this post, we’ll focus on an example of sending desired velocity commands from the Jetson Nano to the control board to make the MBot move using LCM.


What is LCM?

LCM stands for Lightweight Communications and Marshalling. It’s about sending data between programs or computers (Communications) and getting data ready for sending or storing (Marshalling).

  • If you know ROS, LCM works similarly with the same publish-subscribe model. LCM types are like ROS messages, and LCM channels are like ROS topics.
  • If ROS is new to you, think of LCM as a way to send and receive messages over channels.
    • To enable communication between your Jetson and the Control board, first create a communication channel, for instance, named “talking_channel”. Create a publisher on the Jetson to publish messages on this channel, and establish a subscriber on the Control board to receive messages from it. That’s LCM in a nutshell.

The messages that are passed are created based on the LCM message type, which is a data structure that can include primitive data types. Here’s an example of an LCM type, mbot_message_received_t, which consists of two integers and a string:

struct mbot_message_received_t{
    int64_t utime;            // Time of confirmation message creation
    int64_t creation_time;    // time of message creation  
    string channel;           // name of channel 

Quick Start


Under the mbot_firmware/src directory, the mbot.c file contains the firmware C code. The register_topics() function is where all LCM subscribers and publishers are registered.

Remember, a subscriber listens, and a publisher publishes. We talk to control board by creating a publisher on the Jetson and publishing to a channel that a subscriber on the control board listens to.

To set up a subscriber, you can utilize the existing setup in register_topics(). You can also create your customized message and new channel, but off a quick start, let’s just use what is already on the control board:

void register_topics(){
    comms_register_topic(MBOT_MOTOR_PWM_CMD, sizeof(serial_mbot_motor_pwm_t), (Deserialize)&mbot_motor_pwm_t_deserialize, (Serialize)&mbot_motor_pwm_t_serialize, (MsgCb)mbot_motor_vel_cmd_cb);
    comms_register_topic(MBOT_MOTOR_VEL_CMD, sizeof(serial_mbot_motor_vel_t), (Deserialize)&mbot_motor_vel_t_deserialize, (Serialize)&mbot_motor_vel_t_serialize, (MsgCb)mbot_motor_pwm_cmd_cb);
    comms_register_topic(MBOT_VEL_CMD, sizeof(serial_twist2D_t), (Deserialize)&twist2D_t_deserialize, (Serialize)&twist2D_t_serialize, (MsgCb)mbot_vel_cmd_cb);

When you look at register_topics() in the codebase, there is a lot going on, but we only care about this one line:

comms_register_topic(MBOT_VEL_CMD, sizeof(serial_twist2D_t), (Deserialize)&twist2D_t_deserialize, (Serialize)&twist2D_t_serialize, (MsgCb)mbot_vel_cmd_cb);

This registers a subscriber for a channel named MBOT_VEL_CMD. When a new message is published on MBOT_VEL_CMD, the callback function mbot_vel_cmd_cb gets triggered.

Now look at the function mbot_vel_cmd_cb:

void mbot_vel_cmd_cb(serial_twist2D_t *msg){
    memcpy(&mbot_vel_cmd, msg, sizeof(serial_twist2D_t));
    drive_mode = MODE_MBOT_VEL;

It copies the received serial_twist2D_t message to the global mbot_vel_cmd variable. The mbot_loop() function then utilizes this variable:

    mbot_motor_vel_cmd.velocity[params.mot_left] = (mbot_vel_cmd.vx - DIFF_BASE_RADIUS * mbot_vel_cmd.wz) / DIFF_WHEEL_RADIUS;
    mbot_motor_vel_cmd.velocity[params.mot_right] = (-mbot_vel_cmd.vx - DIFF_BASE_RADIUS * mbot_vel_cmd.wz) / DIFF_WHEEL_RADIUS;

In this code snippet, the mbot_vel_cmd variable’s linear velocity (vx) and angular velocity (wz) components are being used to calculate the target velocities for the left and right motors of a differential drive robot, so it translates a desired linear and angular velocity into specific motor speeds.

Now we know that the control board already has a subscriber listening to MBOT_VEL_CMD channel, ready to process the incoming message. To make the robot move, we need to publish the desired velocities to the MBOT_VEL_CMD channel.

Next, let’s discuss the structure of the message.

LCM message

From the code snippet discussed earlier, we know the subscriber takes in data type serial_twist2D_t. This is the serialized form of twist2D_t, automatically generated for use with mbot_firmware. So the actual LCM type that we defined is twist2D_t. It is defined in the mbot_lcm_base/mbot_msgs/lcmtypes directory, where all LCM message definitions are stored.

Inside that directory, you’ll find twist2D_t.lcm:

struct twist2D_t{
    int64_t utime;
    float vx;
    float vy; // this should be 0 when use differential drive 
    float wz;

For our purposes, vx and wz are the relevant parameters.


Now that we understand the message we wish to publish, let’s create the publisher.

Below is a simple Python example:

import lcm
from mbot_lcm_msgs.twist2D_t import twist2D_t

# Create the velocity command message
msg = twist2D_t()
# Assign values to the message
msg.vx = 10
msg.wz = 10
# Publish the velocity command
lc = lcm.LCM("udpm://")
lc.publish("MBOT_VEL_CMD", msg.encode())

When developing, ensure your code resets the velocities to 0 after completion of the logic. Failing to do so may result in the wheels continuing to run, even after the program has been terminated.

The line lc = lcm.LCM("udpm://") configures UDP multicast communication, specifying the multicast address, port, and TTL for the packets. This URL is the default setting. For more on UDP Multicast Setup, see LCM’s multicast setup documentation.