MBot Software Library  v1.0
An API documentation to mbot_firmware repository
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Caccel_physical_status_tPhysical sensor status This structure holds accel physical sensor status
 Cactivity_tUsed for processing the activity data
 Cbarometer_process_tBarometer data
 Cbhy_tBHY structure This structure holds all relevant information about BHY
 Cbsx_process_data_tUsed to process BSX_A, BSX_B and BSX_C data
 Cfifo_size_two_tUsed for only one data validation of unsigned integer like light,humidity,proximity,step counter activity and time stamp
 Cgyro_physical_status_tPhysical sensor status This structure holds gyro physical sensor status
 Cheart_rate_data_process_tProcessing the one byte data like heart rate
 Cmag_physical_status_tPhysical sensor status This structure holds mag physical sensor status
 Cmeta_event_event_tMeta event Event structure This structure holds meta event Event details
 Cmeta_event_intr_tMeta event interrupt structure This structure holds meta event interrupt details
 Cparameter_read_buffer_tBHY parameter read buffer structure holds all relevant information about the respective parameter bytes data
 Cparameter_write_buffer_tBHY load parameter bytes structure This structure holds all relevant information about BHY load parameter bytes
 Cprocess_meta_event_tUsed for processing the meta events
 Cprocess_temperature_tUsed for processing the temperature data
 Crc_filter_tStruct containing configuration and state of a SISO filter
 Crc_matrix_tStruct containing the state of a matrix and a pointer to dynamically allocated memory to hold its contents
 Crc_mpu_config_tConfiguration of the mpu sensor
 Crc_mpu_data_tData struct populated with new sensor data
 Crc_ringbuf_tStruct containing state of a ringbuffer and pointer to dynamically allocated memory
 Crc_vector_tStruct containing the state of a vector and a pointer to dynamically allocated memory to hold its contents
 Csensor_configuration_non_wakeup_tSensor configuration This structure holds non wakeup sensor configuration
 Csensor_configuration_wakeup_tSensor configuration This structure holds wakeup sensor configuration
 Csensor_information_non_wakeup_tSensor information This structure holds non wakeup sensor information
 Csensor_information_wakeup_tSensor information This structure holds wakeup sensor information
 Csensor_status_bank_tSensor status bank structure This structure holds sensor status bank information
 Csoft_pass_through_read_tSensor configuration This structure holds soft pass through informations
 Csoft_pass_through_write_tSensor configuration This structure holds write soft pass through informations
 Cuncalib_bias_tUsed for processing the uncalib mag and gyro data
 Cxyz_accuracy_tUsed for x,y,z and accuracy status data processing
 Cxyzw_radians_tUsed for x,y,z,w and radians status data processing