MBot Software Library  v1.0
An API documentation to mbot_firmware repository
List of all members
mbot_bhy_data_t Struct Reference

Public Attributes

base sensor readings in real units
float accel [3]
 accelerometer (XYZ) in units of m/s^2
float gyro [3]
 gyroscope (XYZ) in units of rad/s
float mag [3]
 magnetometer (XYZ) in units of uT
float quat [4]
 normalized quaternion from Fuser Core
float rpy [3]
 Roll(x) pitch(Y) yaw(Z) in radians from Fuser Core.
int16_t quat_qlty
 quality estimate from Fuser Core
16 bit raw readings and conversion rates
int16_t raw_accel [3]
 raw accelerometer (XYZ) from 16-bit ADC
int16_t raw_gyro [3]
 raw gyroscope (XYZ)from 16-bit ADC
int16_t raw_mag [3]
 raw magnetometer (XYZ)from 16-bit ADC
int16_t raw_quat [4]
 raw quaternion (WXYZ) from 16-bit ADC
int16_t raw_rpy [3]
 raw RPY vector (XYZ) Converted to -2^15 TO 2^15
float accel_to_ms2
 conversion rate from raw accelerometer to m/s^2
float gyro_to_rads
 conversion rate from raw gyroscope to rad/s
float mag_to_uT
 conversion rate from raw gyroscope to uT
float quat_to_norm
 conversion rate from raw quaternion
float rpy_to_rad
 conversion rate from raw RPY vector to radians

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