MBot Software Library
An API documentation to mbot_firmware repository
▼ include | |
doxygen_grouping.h | |
▼ mbot_firmware | |
▼ comms | |
▼ include | |
▼ comms | |
common.h | |
listener.h | |
mbot_channels.h | |
protocol.h | |
topic_data.h | |
▼ mbot | |
▼ include | |
▼ mbot | |
▼ barometer | |
barometer.h | |
▼ defs | |
mbot_diff_defs.h | |
mbot_fram_map.h | |
mbot_omni_defs.h | |
mbot_params.h | |
mbot_pins.h | |
▼ encoder | |
encoder.h | |
▼ fram | |
fram.h | |
▼ imu | |
▼ firmware | |
BHI160B_BMM150_fw.h | |
BHI160B_fw.h | |
bhy.h | BHY Sensor Driver Support Header File |
bhy_support.h | Driver on MCU for bhy |
bhy_uc_driver.h | Headfile of driver on MCU for bhy |
bhy_uc_driver_config.h | Header file of bhy_uc_driver.c |
bhy_uc_driver_constants.h | Header file of bhy_uc_driver.c |
bhy_uc_driver_types.h | Header file of bhy_uc_driver.c |
imu.h | |
▼ motor | |
motor.h | |
▼ utils | |
utils.h | |
▼ src | |
▼ imu | |
bhy_support.c | Driver on MCU for bhy |
bhy_uc_driver.c | Driver on MCU for bhy |
▼ rc | |
▼ include | |
▼ rc | |
▼ math | |
algebra.h | |
filter.h | |
kalman.h | |
matrix.h | |
other.h | |
polynomial.h | |
quaternion.h | |
ring_buffer.h | |
vector.h | |
▼ mpu | |
dmp_firmware.h | |
dmpKey.h | |
dmpmap.h | |
mpu.h | |
mpu_defs.h | |
▼ src | |
▼ math | |
algebra.c | Collection of advanced linear algebra functions |
algebra_common.c | |
algebra_common.h | |
filter.c | This is a collection of functions for generating and implementing discrete SISO filters for arbitrary transfer functions |
matrix.c | This is a collection of functions for generating and implementing discrete SISO filters for arbitrary transfer functions |
other.c | General low-level math functions that don't fit elsewhere |
quaternion.c | Collection of quaternion manipulation functions |
ring_buffer.c | Ring buffer implementation for double-precision doubles |
▼ src | |
controller.h | |
mbot.h | |
odometry.h | |
print_tables.h | Functions for generating formatted tables with integer or float data |