MBot Software Library  v1.0
An API documentation to mbot_firmware repository
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 RCRobot Control Library
 IMU_MPUA userspace C interface for the invensense MPU6050, MPU6500, MPU9150, and MPU9250
 AlgebraAdvanced linear algebra functions
 SISO_FilterFunctions for generating and implementing discrete SISO filters
 KalmanKalman filter implementation
 MatrixFunctions for masic matrix manipulation
 Other_MathMath functions that don't fit elsewhere
 PolynomialFunctions for polynomial manipulation
 QuaternionFunctions for quaternion manipulation
 Ring_BufferRing buffer implementation for double-precision floats
 VectorFunctions for vector manipulation
 BarometerProvides interface to the BMP280 barometer sensor on the MBot robot system using I2C
 EncoderFunctions to use the encoders
 MotorFunctions to control motor operations
 CommonGlobal IO structs, common definitions, common functions ROS Serial depends on
 TopicFunctions for topic data