MBot Software Library  v1.0
An API documentation to mbot_firmware repository
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A userspace C interface for the invensense MPU6050, MPU6500, MPU9150, and MPU9250. More...

Collaboration diagram for IMU_MPU:


struct  rc_mpu_config_t
 configuration of the mpu sensor More...
struct  rc_mpu_data_t
 data struct populated with new sensor data More...


#define ARRAY_SIZE(array)   sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])
#define min(a, b)   ((a < b) ? a : b)
#define __unused   __attribute__ ((unused))
#define unlikely(x)   __builtin_expect (!!(x), 0)
#define likely(x)   __builtin_expect (!!(x), 1)
#define FIFO_LEN_QUAT_TAP   20
#define QUAT_ERROR_THRESH   (1L<<16)
#define QUAT_MAG_SQ_NORMALIZED   (1L<<28)
#define GYRO_CAL_THRESH   50
#define ACCEL_CAL_THRESH   100
#define GYRO_OFFSET_THRESH   500
#define DMP_AUTO_CAL_GYRO   0
#define DMP_TAP_THRESHOLD   210
#define DMP_CFG_SAMPLE_RATE   100
#define DEBUG_OUTPUT   0
#define rc_MPU_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR   0x68
 default i2c address if AD0 is left low
#define rc_MPU_ALT_I2C_ADDR   0x69
 alternate i2c address if AD0 pin pulled high
#define rc_MPU_INTERRUPT_GPIO   22
#define rc_MPU_I2C_BAUDRATE   400000
 baudrate of MPU i2c bus 400kHz
#define TB_PITCH_X   0
 Index of the dmp_TaitBryan[] array corresponding to the Pitch (X) axis.
#define TB_ROLL_Y   1
 Index of the dmp_TaitBryan[] array corresponding to the Roll (Y) axis.
#define TB_YAW_Z   2
 Index of the dmp_TaitBryan[] array corresponding to the Yaw (Z) axis.
#define QUAT_W   0
 First index of the dmp_quat[] quaternion vector.
#define QUAT_X   1
 Second index of the dmp_quat[] quaternion vector.
#define QUAT_Y   2
 Third index of the dmp_quat[] quaternion vector.
#define QUAT_Z   3
 Fourth index of the dmp_quat[] quaternion vector.
#define DEG_TO_RAD   0.0174532925199
 multiply to convert degrees to radians
#define RAD_TO_DEG   57.295779513
 multiply to convert radians to degrees
#define MS2_TO_G   0.10197162129
 multiply to convert m/s^2 to G
#define G_TO_MS2   9.80665
 multiply to convert G to m/s^2, standard gravity definition
#define PI   M_PI
#define TWO_PI   (2.0 * M_PI)
#define GYRO_TO_DEG   2000.0/32768.0;
#define HAS_MAG


typedef enum rc_mpu_accel_fsr_t rc_mpu_accel_fsr_t
 accelerometer full scale range options More...
typedef enum rc_mpu_gyro_fsr_t rc_mpu_gyro_fsr_t
 gyroscope full scale range options More...
typedef enum rc_mpu_accel_dlpf_t rc_mpu_accel_dlpf_t
 accelerometer digital low-pass filter options More...
typedef enum rc_mpu_gyro_dlpf_t rc_mpu_gyro_dlpf_t
 gyroscope digital low-pass filter options More...
typedef enum rc_mpu_orientation_t rc_mpu_orientation_t
 Orientation of the sensor. More...
typedef enum rc_mpu_cfg_offset_t rc_mpu_cfg_offset_t
 Offset in memory of config data. More...
typedef struct rc_mpu_config_t rc_mpu_config_t
 configuration of the mpu sensor More...
typedef struct rc_mpu_data_t rc_mpu_data_t
 data struct populated with new sensor data More...


enum  rc_mpu_accel_fsr_t { ACCEL_FSR_2G , ACCEL_FSR_4G , ACCEL_FSR_8G , ACCEL_FSR_16G }
 accelerometer full scale range options More...
enum  rc_mpu_gyro_fsr_t { GYRO_FSR_250DPS , GYRO_FSR_500DPS , GYRO_FSR_1000DPS , GYRO_FSR_2000DPS }
 gyroscope full scale range options More...
enum  rc_mpu_accel_dlpf_t {
 accelerometer digital low-pass filter options More...
enum  rc_mpu_gyro_dlpf_t {
 gyroscope digital low-pass filter options More...
enum  rc_mpu_orientation_t {
 Orientation of the sensor. More...
enum  rc_mpu_cfg_offset_t { MPU_GYRO_CONFIG_ADDR = 0 , MPU_ACCEL_CONFIG_ADDR = 6 , MPU_MAG_CONFIG_ADDR = 54 }
 Offset in memory of config data. More...


void rc_dmp_callback (uint gpio, uint32_t events)
void mpu9250_read_raw (i2c_inst_t *i2c, int16_t accel[3], int16_t gyro[3], int16_t mag[3], int16_t *temp)

physical connection configuration

int rc_mpu_config_t::gpio_interrupt_pin
 gpio pin, default 21 on Robotics Cape and BB Blue
i2c_inst_t * rc_mpu_config_t::i2c_bus
 i2c instance
uint8_t rc_mpu_config_t::i2c_addr
 default is 0x68, pull pin ad0 high to make it 0x69
int rc_mpu_config_t::show_warnings
 set to 1 to print i2c_bus warnings for debug

accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer configuration

rc_mpu_accel_fsr_t rc_mpu_config_t::accel_fsr
 accelerometer full scale range, default ACCEL_FSR_8G
rc_mpu_gyro_fsr_t rc_mpu_config_t::gyro_fsr
 gyroscope full scale range, default GYRO_FSR_2000DPS
rc_mpu_accel_dlpf_t rc_mpu_config_t::accel_dlpf
 internal low pass filter cutoff, default ACCEL_DLPF_184
rc_mpu_gyro_dlpf_t rc_mpu_config_t::gyro_dlpf
 internal low pass filter cutoff, default GYRO_DLPF_184
int rc_mpu_config_t::enable_magnetometer
 magnetometer use is optional, set to 1 to enable, default 0 (off)

DMP settings, only used with DMP mode

int rc_mpu_config_t::dmp_sample_rate
 sample rate in hertz, 200,100,50,40,25,20,10,8,5,4
int rc_mpu_config_t::dmp_fetch_accel_gyro
 set to 1 to optionally raw accel/gyro when reading DMP quaternion, default: 0 (off)
int rc_mpu_config_t::dmp_auto_calibrate_gyro
 set to 1 to let DMP auto calibrate the gyro while in use, default: 0 (off)
rc_mpu_orientation_t rc_mpu_config_t::orient
 DMP orientation matrix, see rc_mpu_orientation_t.
double rc_mpu_config_t::compass_time_constant
 time constant (seconds) for filtering compass with gyroscope yaw value, default 25
int rc_mpu_config_t::read_mag_after_callback
 reads magnetometer after DMP callback function to improve latency, default 1 (true)
int rc_mpu_config_t::mag_sample_rate_div
 magnetometer_sample_rate = dmp_sample_rate/mag_sample_rate_div, default: 4
int rc_mpu_config_t::tap_threshold
 threshold impulse for triggering a tap in units of mg/ms

base sensor readings in real units

double rc_mpu_data_t::accel [3]
 accelerometer (XYZ) in units of m/s^2
double rc_mpu_data_t::gyro [3]
 gyroscope (XYZ) in units of degrees/s
double rc_mpu_data_t::mag [3]
 magnetometer (XYZ) in units of uT
double rc_mpu_data_t::temp
 thermometer, in units of degrees Celsius

16 bit raw adc readings and conversion rates

int16_t rc_mpu_data_t::raw_gyro [3]
 raw gyroscope (XYZ)from 16-bit ADC
int16_t rc_mpu_data_t::raw_accel [3]
 raw accelerometer (XYZ) from 16-bit ADC
double rc_mpu_data_t::accel_to_ms2
 conversion rate from raw accelerometer to m/s^2
double rc_mpu_data_t::gyro_to_degs
 conversion rate from raw gyroscope to degrees/s

DMP data

double rc_mpu_data_t::dmp_quat [4]
 normalized quaternion from DMP based on ONLY Accel/Gyro
double rc_mpu_data_t::dmp_TaitBryan [3]
 Tait-Bryan angles (roll pitch yaw) in radians from DMP based on ONLY Accel/Gyro.
int rc_mpu_data_t::tap_detected
 set to 1 if there was a tap detect on the last dmp sample, reset to 0 on next sample
int rc_mpu_data_t::last_tap_direction
 direction of last tap, 1-6 corresponding to X+ X- Y+ Y- Z+ Z-
int rc_mpu_data_t::last_tap_count
 current counter of rapid consecutive taps

fused DMP data filtered with magnetometer

double rc_mpu_data_t::fused_quat [4]
 fused and normalized quaternion
double rc_mpu_data_t::fused_TaitBryan [3]
 fused Tait-Bryan angles (roll pitch yaw) in radians
double rc_mpu_data_t::compass_heading
 fused heading filtered with gyro and accel data, same as Tait-Bryan yaw
double rc_mpu_data_t::compass_heading_raw
 unfiltered heading from magnetometer

common functions

rc_mpu_config_t rc_mpu_default_config (void)
 Returns an rc_mpu_config_t struct with default settings. More...
int rc_mpu_set_config_to_default (rc_mpu_config_t *conf)
 Resets a config struct to defaults. More...
int rc_mpu_power_off (void)
 Powers off the MPU. More...

normal one-shot sampling functions

int rc_mpu_initialize (rc_mpu_data_t *data, rc_mpu_config_t conf)
 Sets up the MPU in normal one-shot sampling mode. More...
int rc_mpu_read_accel (rc_mpu_data_t *data)
 Reads accelerometer data from the MPU. More...
int rc_mpu_read_gyro (rc_mpu_data_t *data)
 Reads gyroscope data from the MPU. More...
int rc_mpu_read_temp (rc_mpu_data_t *data)
 Reads thermometer data from the MPU. More...
int rc_mpu_read_mag (rc_mpu_data_t *data)
 Reads magnetometer data from the MPU. More...

interrupt-driven DMP mode functions

int rc_mpu_initialize_dmp (rc_mpu_data_t *data, rc_mpu_config_t conf)
 Initializes the MPU in DMP mode, see rc_test_dmp example. More...

calibration functions

Sets the callback function that will be triggered when new DMP data is ready.

[in]funcuser's callback function
0 on success or -1 on failure.

sets the callback function triggered when a tap is detected

[in]funcuser's callback function
0 on success or -1 on failure.
int rc_mpu_calibrate_gyro_routine (rc_mpu_config_t conf)
 Runs gyroscope calibration routine. More...
int rc_mpu_calibrate_mag_routine (rc_mpu_config_t conf)
 Runs magnetometer calibration routine. More...
int rc_mpu_calibrate_accel_routine (rc_mpu_config_t conf)
 Runs accelerometer calibration routine. More...
int rc_mpu_reset_accel_cal (i2c_inst_t *i2c)
int rc_mpu_is_gyro_calibrated (void)
 Checks if a gyro calibration file is saved to disk. More...
int rc_mpu_is_mag_calibrated (void)
 Checks if a magnetometer calibration file is saved to disk. More...
int rc_mpu_is_accel_calibrated (void)
 Checks if an accelerometer calibration file is saved to disk. More...
int rc_print_gyro_calibration (i2c_inst_t *i2c)

Detailed Description

A userspace C interface for the invensense MPU6050, MPU6500, MPU9150, and MPU9250.


This API allows the user to configure this IMU in two modes: NORMAL and DMP

Normal Mode

The accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and thermometer can be read directly at any time. To use this mode, call rc_mpu_initialize() with your imu_config and imu_data structs as arguments as defined below. You can then call rc_mpu_read_accel, rc_mpu_read_gyro, rc_mpu_read_mag, or rc_mpu_read_temp at any time to get the latest sensor values.

DMP Mode

Stands for Digital Motion Processor which is a feature of the MPU9250. in this mode, the DMP will sample the sensors internally and fill a FIFO buffer with the data at a fixed rate. Furthermore, the DMP will also calculate a filtered orientation quaternion which is placed in the same buffer. When new data is ready in the buffer, the IMU sends an interrupt to the BeagleBone triggering the buffer read followed by the execution of a function of your choosing set with the rc_mpu_set_dmp_callback() function.

James Strawson

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DMP_AUTO_CAL_GYRO   0

Static defines from the config used in RC Control Lib

Typedef Documentation

◆ rc_mpu_accel_dlpf_t

accelerometer digital low-pass filter options

The user may choose from 7 digital low pass filter constants for the accelerometer and gyroscope. The filter runs at 1kz and helps to reduce sensor noise when sampling more slowly. The default values are ACCEL_DLPF_184 GYRO_DLPF_184. Lower cut-off frequencies incur phase-loss in measurements. Number is cutoff frequency in hz.

◆ rc_mpu_accel_fsr_t

accelerometer full scale range options

The user may choose from 4 full scale ranges of the accelerometer and gyroscope. They have units of gravity (G) and degrees per second (DPS) The defaults values are A_FSR_2G and G_FSR_2000DPS respectively.

◆ rc_mpu_cfg_offset_t

Offset in memory of config data.

Add this to the

◆ rc_mpu_config_t

configuration of the mpu sensor

Configuration struct passed to rc_mpu_initialize and rc_mpu_initialize_dmp. It is best to get the default config with rc_mpu_default_config() function first and modify from there.

◆ rc_mpu_data_t

typedef struct rc_mpu_data_t rc_mpu_data_t

data struct populated with new sensor data

This is the container for holding the sensor data. The user is intended to make their own instance of this struct and pass its pointer to imu read functions. new data will then be written back into the user's instance of the data struct.

◆ rc_mpu_gyro_dlpf_t

gyroscope digital low-pass filter options

The user may choose from 7 digital low pass filter constants for the accelerometer and gyroscope. The filter runs at 1kz and helps to reduce sensor noise when sampling more slowly. The default values are ACCEL_DLPF_184 GYRO_DLPF_184. Lower cut-off frequencies incur phase-loss in measurements. Number is cutoff frequency in hz.

◆ rc_mpu_gyro_fsr_t

gyroscope full scale range options

The user may choose from 4 full scale ranges of the accelerometer and gyroscope. They have units of gravity (G) and degrees per second (DPS) The defaults values are A_FSR_2G and G_FSR_2000DPS respectively.

◆ rc_mpu_orientation_t

Orientation of the sensor.

This is only applicable when operating in DMP mode. This is the orientation that the DMP consideres neutral, aka where roll/pitch/yaw are zero.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ rc_mpu_accel_dlpf_t

accelerometer digital low-pass filter options

The user may choose from 7 digital low pass filter constants for the accelerometer and gyroscope. The filter runs at 1kz and helps to reduce sensor noise when sampling more slowly. The default values are ACCEL_DLPF_184 GYRO_DLPF_184. Lower cut-off frequencies incur phase-loss in measurements. Number is cutoff frequency in hz.

◆ rc_mpu_accel_fsr_t

accelerometer full scale range options

The user may choose from 4 full scale ranges of the accelerometer and gyroscope. They have units of gravity (G) and degrees per second (DPS) The defaults values are A_FSR_2G and G_FSR_2000DPS respectively.

◆ rc_mpu_cfg_offset_t

Offset in memory of config data.

Add this to the

◆ rc_mpu_gyro_dlpf_t

gyroscope digital low-pass filter options

The user may choose from 7 digital low pass filter constants for the accelerometer and gyroscope. The filter runs at 1kz and helps to reduce sensor noise when sampling more slowly. The default values are ACCEL_DLPF_184 GYRO_DLPF_184. Lower cut-off frequencies incur phase-loss in measurements. Number is cutoff frequency in hz.

◆ rc_mpu_gyro_fsr_t

gyroscope full scale range options

The user may choose from 4 full scale ranges of the accelerometer and gyroscope. They have units of gravity (G) and degrees per second (DPS) The defaults values are A_FSR_2G and G_FSR_2000DPS respectively.

◆ rc_mpu_orientation_t

Orientation of the sensor.

This is only applicable when operating in DMP mode. This is the orientation that the DMP consideres neutral, aka where roll/pitch/yaw are zero.

Function Documentation

◆ rc_dmp_callback()

void rc_dmp_callback ( uint  gpio,
uint32_t  events 

Function headers

◆ rc_mpu_calibrate_accel_routine()

int rc_mpu_calibrate_accel_routine ( rc_mpu_config_t  conf)

Runs accelerometer calibration routine.

This should generally not be used by the user unless they absolutely want to calibrate the accelerometer inside their own program. Instead call the rc_calibrate_accel example program.

[in]confConfig struct, only used to configure i2c bus and address.
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ rc_mpu_calibrate_gyro_routine()

int rc_mpu_calibrate_gyro_routine ( rc_mpu_config_t  conf)

Runs gyroscope calibration routine.

This should generally not be used by the user unless they absolutely want to calibrate the gyroscope inside their own program. Instead call the rc_calibrate_gyro example program.

[in]confConfig struct, only used to configure i2c bus and address.
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ rc_mpu_calibrate_mag_routine()

int rc_mpu_calibrate_mag_routine ( rc_mpu_config_t  conf)

Runs magnetometer calibration routine.

This should generally not be used by the user unless they absolutely want to calibrate the magnetometer inside their own program. Instead call the rc_calibrate_mag example program.

[in]confConfig struct, only used to configure i2c bus and address.
0 on success, -1 on failure

◆ rc_mpu_default_config()

rc_mpu_config_t rc_mpu_default_config ( void  )

Returns an rc_mpu_config_t struct with default settings.

Use this as a starting point and modify as you wish.

Returns an rc_mpu_config_t struct with default settings.

◆ rc_mpu_initialize()

int rc_mpu_initialize ( rc_mpu_data_t data,
rc_mpu_config_t  conf 

Sets up the MPU in normal one-shot sampling mode.

First create an instance of the rc_mpu_data_t struct and pass its pointer to rc_mpu_initialize which will then write to. Also pass an rc_mpu_config_t struct with your configruation settings.

This function will populate the accel_to_ms2 and gyro_to_deg fields of the rc_mpu_data_t struct appropriately based on the user-configured full scale ranges.

After this, you may read sensor data at any time with the functions rc_mpu_read_accel(), rc_mpu_read_gyro(), and rc_mpu_read_temp(). The magentometer can also be read with rc_mpu_read_mag() if using an MPU9150 or MPU9250 and the enable_magnetometer field in the rc_mpu_config_t struct has been set to 1.

Be sure to power off the MPU at the end of your program with rc_mpu_power_off().

datapointer to user's data struct
[in]confuser congiguration data
0 on success or -1 on failure.

◆ rc_mpu_initialize_dmp()

int rc_mpu_initialize_dmp ( rc_mpu_data_t data,
rc_mpu_config_t  conf 

Initializes the MPU in DMP mode, see rc_test_dmp example.

After calling this the user does not need to call the normal read functions rc_mpu_read_accel(), rc_mpu_read_gyro(), or rc_mpu_read mag(). Instead the data will automatically be read into the user's data struct at the dmp_sample_rate set in the config struct.

dataPointer to user's data struct where new data will be written
[in]confUser's configuration struct
0 on success or -1 on failure.

enbale quaternion feature and accel/gyro if requested

◆ rc_mpu_is_accel_calibrated()

int rc_mpu_is_accel_calibrated ( void  )

Checks if an accelerometer calibration file is saved to disk.

generally used to warn the user that they are running a program without calibration. Can also be used to decide if calibration should be done at the beginning of user's program.

1 if calibrated, 0 if not

◆ rc_mpu_is_gyro_calibrated()

int rc_mpu_is_gyro_calibrated ( void  )

Checks if a gyro calibration file is saved to disk.

generally used to warn the user that they are running a program without calibration. Can also be used to decide if calibration should be done at the beginning of user's program.

1 if calibrated, 0 if not

◆ rc_mpu_is_mag_calibrated()

int rc_mpu_is_mag_calibrated ( void  )

Checks if a magnetometer calibration file is saved to disk.

generally used to warn the user that they are running a program without calibration. Can also be used to decide if calibration should be done at the beginning of user's program.

1 if calibrated, 0 if not

◆ rc_mpu_power_off()

int rc_mpu_power_off ( void  )

Powers off the MPU.

Only call this after powering on the MPU with rc_mpu_initialize or rc_mpu_initialize_dmp. This should geenrally be called at the end of your main function to make sure the MPU is put to sleep.

0 on success or -1 on failure.

◆ rc_mpu_read_accel()

int rc_mpu_read_accel ( rc_mpu_data_t data)

Reads accelerometer data from the MPU.

dataPointer to user's data struct where new data will be written
0 on success or -1 on failure.

◆ rc_mpu_read_gyro()

int rc_mpu_read_gyro ( rc_mpu_data_t data)

Reads gyroscope data from the MPU.

dataPointer to user's data struct where new data will be written
0 on success or -1 on failure.

◆ rc_mpu_read_mag()

int rc_mpu_read_mag ( rc_mpu_data_t data)

Reads magnetometer data from the MPU.

Note this requires use of an MPU9150 or MPU9250, the MPU6050 and MPU6500 do not have magnetometers. Additionally, the enable_magnetometer flag must has been set in the user's rc_mpu_config_t when it was passed to rc_mpu_initialize()

dataPointer to user's data struct where new data will be written
0 on success or -1 on failure.

◆ rc_mpu_read_temp()

int rc_mpu_read_temp ( rc_mpu_data_t data)

Reads thermometer data from the MPU.

Note this is the internal termperature of the chip, not abient temperature.

dataPointer to user's data struct where new data will be written
0 on success or -1 on failure.

◆ rc_mpu_set_config_to_default()

int rc_mpu_set_config_to_default ( rc_mpu_config_t conf)

Resets a config struct to defaults.

[out]confPointer to config struct to be overwritten
0 on success or -1 on failure.

◆ rc_print_gyro_calibration()

int rc_print_gyro_calibration ( i2c_inst_t *  i2c)

Loads steady state gyro offsets from the flash and puts them in the IMU's gyro offset register. If no calibration file exists then make a new one.

0 on success, -1 on failure